Friday, May 26, 2017

Seek First the Kingdom of Heaven

Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth more than birds Can worry make you live longer. Seek first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Matt 6:26-27, 33

The Mother wren came back to her nest in my window sill again this year. I watched her for a couple of weeks, and her newborn birds  finally hatched one fine morning. But something was terribly wrong. Two of the babies were outside the nest, and shortly after one fell to the ground. I scolded my cat for thinking that her dinner had arrived, and made her get the bird away from her mouth. I picked up the precious little bird, held her gingerly in my hand, and needed to explain to the children the little bird, will not make it through the night. I told my son we will have a service for her in our backyard, when he gets home from school the next day. The next day came, and I picked up my son from school, he eagerly wanted to get home, so we can have the service for his little bird friend. He took the box, and opened it, and to all of our great surprise the little bird was still alive. Her breaths were shallow, and she looked quite weak. I felt such guilt, thinking she was dead, I didn't place her back in the nest sooner. Nonetheless God wanted this bird to survive. I took her frail , little body, and as gently put her back in her nest. My son and I  prayed for that little bird that night, that she would live, and the Mother wren would return. I woke up to the sound of small cheeps, and looked through my window, and there she was feeding her babies, she stopped , and looked at me for just a second, and then flew off to gather more food for her little ones. Close to death, yet all she needed was to return to the  nest, and receive comfort, and nourishment only her Mother could give.  Hidden back inside the womb of  the  nest she lived, inside the nest, she thrived. That is how the Lord wants us to be. If He cares so much even for this little bird, how much more does He care for us. The only way for us to live, the only way for us to thrive is to be hidden in Christ, under the refuge of His wings. He is our shelter, from all the raging storms that try to swallow us whole.

Thank you Lord,

that you are our shelter, our peace, our ever present help in time of need.
We can cry out to you, and you hear us, and deliver us from all our fear.
Thank you for loving us, for abiding with me, for saving me, and carrying me
to the shelter under the shadow of your wings.

In Jesus name

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Devotions!! Thank you, Sara! What talent you have!!!
